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Verity by Colleen Hoover - Book Review

OMG!!! Okay so I know how popular Colleen Hoover is and I must admit, I never really had any desire to read her books because I'm not a huge fan of the genre she typically writes: tragic romance. That being said, Verity is the only novel she's written that is a thriller. Mrs. Hoover, please write more thrillers! Her writing style is amazing. From the very first sentence, you're hooked. I became almost as obsessed with this book as Verity was with her husband, Jeremy.

I have heard nothing but good things about this book. I did go into it having high expectations and boy were they met! The synopsis drew me right in. Without giving too much away, it’s basically about this writer named Lowen. She’s kind of a pathetic character; she doesn’t think highly of herself and she is not confident in her work. She’s also a bit of an agoraphobic and keeps to herself. She’s in Manhattan attending a meeting with her agent and a publisher who wishes to meet with her. It’s at that meeting that her fate changes.

The meeting is with a publisher and Jeremy, Verity’s husband. Verity is a bestselling author of a popular series of books. There are to be 9 books in the series but only 6 have been written and completed by Verity, before her terrible accident. Verity had crashed into a tree, which left her in almost a comatose state; unable to finish her series. Rather than see her success crash and burn, her publisher comes to Lowen, due to the fact that their writing styles are so similar. Keep in mind, the series is all written from the point of view of the villain.

Right away, Lowen is ready to decline without even barely hearing out the full offer. She doesn’t want the attention that this will surely bring to her and she just doesn’t believe that she has the talent of Verity’s level. However, after speaking privately with Jeremy, Lowen eventually gives in and agrees to complete the series. She travels to Verity and Jeremy’s home up in Vermont, so that she can go through Verity’s office to try and gather as much information as she can in order to help her write the series.

This is where things start to get interesting. Lowen begins to feel uneasy around Verity, despite her not being about to move on her own. While going through her things in the office, Lowen finds a manuscript that is titled as Verity’s autobiography. Curiosity gets the best of her and Lowen reads the manuscript, as dread fills her with each new chapter. Meanwhile all this time, she is starting to fall for Jeremy. Will she reveal the manuscript to Jeremy so he learns the real truth about his wife? Or will Lowen keep this horrible secret to herself?

This book had a twist that I can honestly say I did not see coming! Usually with thrillers, I can come up with several different predictions, but this book had me guessing until the very end! Even when I thought I had it figured out towards the end, there was that final piece of the puzzle to add on.

This was very well-written and I can’t say enough good things about it! I truly do now understand the hype over Colleen Hoover. I would love for this to be turned into a movie, as dark as it was. I highly recommend this to everyone!


Until next time bookworms,


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