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  • Writer's pictureColie

Hidden Pictures by Jason Rekulak - Book Review

Hi bookworms! Today's book review is on the novel Hidden Pictures by Jason Rekulak, which just recently released. What an amazing book! There are not enough good things to say! This had me hooked from the very beginning; I could not put it down! Each chapter ended on a cliffhanger, that you have no other choice but to keep reading to find out what happens next! It also had an amazing twist at the end that I did not see coming! This is definitely one story that will stay with me forever.

Let's get into the synopsis. Mallory is a 21-year-old recovering addict from Philly. She is a gifted runner who lost her scholarship to Penn State once they got news of her addiction. She acquires a summer job as a nanny for a five-year-old boy named Teddy who lives with his parents in the affluent town of Spring Brook, New Jersey. First off, living in NJ myself, it was so nice to have this book set there.

Mallory really bonds with Teddy and he's obsessed with drawing. But soon, his drawings change from basic stick figures (which are to be expected coming from a five-year-old), to very lifelike and detailed pictures. Mallory senses something isn't right. After all, how could a five-year-old's ability for drawing change that drastically overnight? She makes it her mission to get to the bottom of what's going on. Throughout all of this, Teddy also has an imaginary friend who he calls Anya. He says Anya always visits him and Mallory can hear him talking to someone when he's alone in his room. Not to mention, the guest cottage that Mallory is staying at in the woods behind the main house, has been giving off some creepy vibes. Every night while trying to drift to sleep, Mallory gets the feeling that she's being watched.

Perhaps the most amazing part of this book to me is the inclusion of pictures. That's right, Teddy's drawings are included in the book. The last time I read a picture book was when I was in kindergarten, reading Dr. Seuss. I thought having pictures was so unique and really helped make the story more alive. I think more novels should include pictures!

Mallory tries to investigate the weird happenings and even tries out a ouija board. Little does she know what she's really in store for. Will she be able to handle the truth? I love that this book doesn't focus heavily on the supernatural though; it still remains realistic. I also loved Rekulak's style of writing; it's just like having a friend tell you a story. I would love to see this turned into a movie! I would highly recommend this to everyone!


Until next time bookworms,


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