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  • Writer's pictureColie

The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood - Book Review

Yes! This is the type of romance book I've been waiting for! I've heard a lot of hype about this book and honestly wasn't looking into reading it at first because romance isn't my favorite genre. However, I am so glad I changed my mind! Valentine's Day is also right around the corner, so I figured why not incorporate some romance into my reading?

I kept hearing nothing but good things and the hype is real people! I absolutely loved the idea of the fake-dating turning into real love. It kind of had that element of enemies-to-lovers trope, although Adam and Olive weren't exactly enemies. Adam was just a professor who is known to be "needlessly antagonistic and unapproachable" whereas Olive is a Ph.D. student who is just trying to get her best friend, Anh, to believe that she is dating someone else, so that Anh can feel okay with dating Olive's ex, Jeremy, (who Olive was not serious with at all). If that's not an amazing friend, then I don't know what is! Olive gets herself into this wonderful mess by telling Anh she is going on a date with her secret boyfriend. Meanwhile, of course that is a lie and where is Olive really at on a Saturday night? Working hard in the lab, as per usual. So when Olive spots Anh in the hallway, she freaks and does the first thing her mind thinks of: she grabs Adam Carlsen (Professor Adam Carlsen, that is) and starts clumsily kissing him. To her surprise, Adam does kiss her back albeit a little taken aback. Olive's plan does work to her joy, and thus Anh and Jeremy begin dating.

Little does Anh know that Adam and Olive are actually fake dating. The only person close to Olive who knows the real truth is her and Anh's other best friend, Malcolm. Thus marks the beginning of a whirlwind adventure of love, lies, betrayal, and fake heartbreak.

What an absolutely amazing novel! I loved seeing the development of Olive's character and how she really became confident in her own skin. I also loved seeing how she changed Adam for the best and brought out his inner romantic self. I highly recommend this book! Also, there's a steamy scene that just... you'll just have to read it to find out! Even if you are someone like me who doesn't love romance books, give this one a shot! You might just change your mind.

Until next time bookworms,


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