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  • Writer's pictureColie

The Guncle by Steven Rowley - Book Review

Hi bookworms! I'm back with another book review. This one is on The Guncle by Steven Rowley. I loved this book! This was the perfect lighthearted read. It definitely had some laugh-out-loud moments! I absolutely loved the character of Patrick, who is a guncle (gay uncle) to his brother's kids, Maisie and Grant. I loved the development of each character and how they all came to terms with dealing with grief in their own way. If there's one thing this novel teaches, it's the important of family, especially when one is going through a tragic moment.

Patrick was tasked with being the temporary guardian of his niece and nephew for the summer while his brother, Greg, checks himself into rehab. The kids' mother, Sara, just passed away and she was Patrick's best friend through college. Patrick doesn't feel like he is the right candidate for such an important job, however his brother insists. Patrick relents and thus starts the adventure, along with the infamous "Guncle Rules".

I loved seeing the relationship between Patrick and the kids blossom. I think they each had something to take away from one another. Patrick showed Maisie how to feel comfortable in her own skin and that it's okay to wear whatever she wants. He showed Grant how to be brave. Perhaps being the most important one of all, he showed them the importance of brunch. Being with the kids brought Patrick a new sense of light. He always said he knew their mother, Sara, in darkness. I think he meant that both literally (they were in a dark stairwell at college when they first met), and figuratively. When Patrick's boyfriend passed away, he was once again in this bleak darkness. Being with the kids really flooded his house with light. It taught him that it's okay to be affectionate with people and that you don't always have to bottle your feelings up. It also showed him that he really does miss acting.

In the end, this was a wonderful, heartwarming story. I loved how attached the kids became to Patrick and vice versa. I would definitely recommend this to anyone and everyone!


Until next time bookworms,


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