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Meet Me in Paradise by Libby Hubscher - Book Review

What a rollercoaster ride of emotions! I went into this thinking it was going to be a fun, light-hearted romance (which it was), but it was also so much more than that. This was also a heartwarming story about the relationship between two sisters. I'm not going to lie, I teared up at a few parts! I would love to see this get turned into a movie. This book made me laugh and cry and just feel so warm inside. I could picture the beautiful island of Saba as if it were right in front of me. I absolutely loved all of the characters. I breezed right through this book because it was just that good!

Marin Cole lives a fairly safe, risk-free life. Her younger sister, Sadie, is the wild child; always jet-setting off on fun adventures for her photography career. When Sadie invites Marin (more like forces) her to go on a sisters trip to Saba, Marin reluctantly agrees. However, the day of their flight when she's about to board, Sadie never shows up (on purpose). This leads Marin on this adventure of her own, with Lucas Tsai, the owner of the hotel resort they will stay at. He's mysterious and of course good-looking! Marin ends up connecting with him and really finding herself on this trip.

Marin has so many amazing experiences and really pushes herself to do things that she otherwise would have never even considered with Sadie. Towards the end, I was in tears. You find out something so tragic about Sadie and the whole reason of why she wanted Marin to take this trip on her own. She wanted Marin to be able to see that she can live without her sister. I loved seeing Marin really start to come into her own and completely transform from this unconfident person to a radiant, confident woman. Even though I don't have a sister, I definitely felt the love between these sisters!

Despite this book being a tearjerker, it was still a great beach read! Highly recommend!

Final rating: 5/5 stars

Until next time bookworms,


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