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Haunted (Dark Musicals - The Second Act) by Laura DeLuca - Book Review

Hi everyone! I know it's been quite a long while, but I am back with another book review! This one is on the latest book in the Dark Musicals series, Haunted! Let me start off by saying I was really excited to read this book. I have been a huge fan of local author

Laura DeLuca's Dark Musicals series for a while now. Every time she comes out with a new addition, I jump right on it. I usually breeze right through each book in less than a week. However this latest addition.. just wasn't doing it for me.

It started off very promising. However, there was just a lot of repetition. There were even two chapters (which were not back-to-back chapters) that ended pretty much the same way! They both essentially said the same exact thing.

Usually our main characters, Justyn and Rebecca, star on Broadway plays and own a theater in Cape May (modeled after Elaine's in Cape May). However, this time they are starring in their first movie, which is shooting in England! They have to deal with their brusque director, Kyle, and a few other interesting cast-mates. Each one is harboring a secret, apparently so deadly, it warrants threats from a "woman in white". This book still had that element of mystery as the previous books did, but the villain was pretty predictable. And that was one of the biggest downfalls for me. With all of the other books in the series, the villain was always who you least expected and it always caught me by surprise. This one, however, it was pretty easy to see from the beginning who the villain will be.

I love all of the other books in the series but this one just didn't do it for me. It wasn't terrible but it just wasn't as special as the others. I am curious about the next book in the series, as it follows Justyn and Rebecca's now-teenage son. Hopefully that one will redeem itself for me.

I would still recommend this series as overall it's really enjoyable!

Final rating: 3/5 stars.

Until next time bookworms,


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