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A Lesson in Vengeance by Victoria Lee - Book Review

Hi all! I hope everyone is enjoying the crisp autumn weather and cozy vibes! Today's book review is on a A Lesson in Vengeance, a fantasy novel by Victoria Lee. Let me start off by saying that I loved the idea of this book; the idea of witchcraft and a boarding school. However, the execution fell flat for me. The genre of the story is young adult, but the author's writing style is trying to come across as more adult and mature. Therefore, it's clashing; the young-adult theme with the adult-like style of writing just does not mesh well together.

Lee's writing style is trying to be too sophisticated to the point where it comes off as a little pretentious. I really wanted to like this book, as I love the initial premise of it, but I mainly think it's her style of writing and execution of the idea of the book that ruined it for me. There were some parts where it actually seemed to be moving along in the right direction, and then it took a sudden, sharp turn in the wrong direction. The author, to me, is trying to come off as one of those "classic" writer's who's ahead of her time, almost akin to the likes of Poe (although I do love Poe!). However, it just wasn't working. I'm not saying I wanted her to "dumb down" her writing style; I just wish it were a little more light-hearted and free, rather than tense and bleak. I understand she's trying to match her writing with the idea of the story, but it just didn't work for me.

I was so excited for this book, as dark academia and witchcraft are right up my alley. So you can only imagine how disappointed I was and how hungry I was left feeling for more. This book could have been so much better, but unfortunately it just wasn't good enough for me. The ending also felt rushed and a little cliché. If you are a reader who really loves dark academia and doesn't mind bleak writing, then I would give this a chance. Just don't go into it expecting a whole lot about witchcraft, because that aspect of the story was almost entirely missing.

Final Rating: 2/5 stars

Until next time bookworms,


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